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We call upon the Mayor and our Councillors to protect this community from the proposals to construct a gigantic warehousing complex - the largest of its kind in Canada - on Winston Churchill Boulevard, directly adjoining our residential neighbourhood.  These proposals are entirely inappropriate to the area, given the enormous 24/7 scale of operations and the proximity to residences and public spaces.  They would forever alter the character of our community and significantly impede the quiet enjoyment of our homes.  
We acknowledge the importance of regional economic development but it needs to be responsibly balanced with the interests of homeowners and taxpayers.  There are many permitted uses for these WCB properties which would generate economic growth and also be "good neighbours".

We call upon our Mayor and Councillors to be accountable and remain true to their dream and vision for Oakville by doing everything in their power to stop these unwelcome and ill-considered developments.

Scroll down for our "Call To Action"
Watch the YouTube informational video linked in "Resources" below for more information


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  1. The most important thing we can all do is make our voices heard.  Please take a few minutes to write an e-mail to Mayor Rob Burton as well as our two councillors at the addresses provided below.  You will also find a sample shell letter at the bottom of this page.

  2. Sign our petition at

  3. If you would consider purchasing and displaying a lawn sign ($25), send a note with your contact information to

  4. If you are not already a member, please consider joining the Joshua Creek Residents Association today.  JCRA is taking the lead in representing our community and fighting against these ill-conceived developer proposals.  JCRA will also keep you advised on progress including meetings to be arranged with our mayor and councillors.

  5. If you would like to volunteer to help out in any way, or have constructive feedback, please write to warehouse.nightmare@gmail.comWe have a particular need for anyone with expertise in the logistics industry.


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Here is the shell of a letter you could copy and paste to send to our representatives. It will probably get more attention if you personalize it a little.


Dear (Mayor, Councillor) ___________


<<< By way of introduction, maybe consider saying something personal about your family and home. For example, "My family has lived on Beechwood Court in east Oakville for 11 years. We love the Oakville community and have worked hard to afford our home here. That is why I am taking the time to write to you about this very troubling matter." >>>


I wish to express deep concern about the warehousing developments being proposed on Winston Churchill Boulevard near my home.  They are entirely inappropriate to this area, given the gigantic 24/7 scale of the proposed operations and the proximity to residential neighbourhoods directly adjoining. These developments would be suited to a heavy industrial area but are completely out of place alongside an Oakville community of homes and families.


Whatever happened to "Livable Oakville"?  You must already know these developments are a dreadful mistake, so I cannot imagine why you are not taking action. To make matters worse, I understand that you live right here in the affected area.  If you will not defend the interests of your very own neighbours and neighbourhood, what hope do other Oakville residents have that you would support them in their hour of need?


Obviously economic development is important but it needs to be done responsibly, balanced with the interests of homeowners and taxpayers. There are many permitted uses for these WCB properties which would generate economic growth and also be "good neighbours".  Please remain true to your dream and vision for Oakville and commit do doing all that you can to stop these unwelcome and ill-considered developments.




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